te rog citeste . plzz are nevoie de ajutor… “Studenta la Facultatea de Medicina din Targu-Mures in anul V. , NU VA CERE nimeni BANI ! Nu il stergeti va rog, cititi mai intai ! Numele meu este Pasca Daniela, am 21 ani si sufar de o forma rara de leucemie; singura mea sansa este un transplant de maduva, fara transplant nu voi putea trai. Operatia costa 55.000 $ si familia mea a stans deja 32.000 $. In cazul meu fundatia care ma va ajuta sa strang banii a incheiat o intelegere cu Yahoo si Aol si voi primi 0,01 cent pentru fiecare mesaj dat mai departe. Va rog frumos, din tot sufletul dati mai departe; poate voi avea si eu sansa de a fi ca voi ! …. un copy -paste nu ia decat 30 de secunde, da-l mai departe daca ai sufl Bookmark …… scuze de mass!
A.C.has signed out. (11/22/2010 11:49 PM)
Last message received on 11/22 at 11:49 PM
g23: Man, my name is Charlie. Yahoo and AOL don’t give a fuck about me, so please just send the $32,000 in cash. I suffer from a rare form of pussy scarcity, it can only be cured by large amounts of beer and naked young women.
And motorcycles. So if you don’t have $32,000, a pussy or a lot of beer just send motorcycles.
Edit: Lest I seem a heartless bastard, NOBODY HAS EVER signed any “deal” with Yahoo or AOL (or Google or Microsoft or Apple) that will donate money to anybody simply by forwarding an email. It doesn’t work that way people: if it did I’d be sitting on a yacht in the Mediterranean right now chewing on a lobster and ogling buxom young Russian contortionists. No matter how big your heart or wallet is forwarding spam to everybody in your mailing list will not help some stranger in need, unless that stranger happens to be collecting email addresses to sell to other spammers.